Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Hallowed Stereotypes


Mise en scene

The creature which is a demented mid-evil priest which has been haunting this hall and he will be wearing some black robes with and hood with a standard braided rope around the waist.

The character John Cena is the first victim we see in the film and he will be wear a bloodied white t-shirt with some old tatty cargo trousers and old running shoes and will be bloodied and bruised, also in the start of the scene he will be tied up with rope around his arms and torso.

The character Randy Normous who is the friend who is looking for John Cena and the character we follow for most of the opening of the film and he’ll be wearing a shirt and a hooded coat with jeans or chinos and vans.

Subverting stereotypes

We are trying to go against the standard cliché and stereotypes of normal horror films and try to make the characters make relatively sensible decisions and not to involve Ouija boards or spiritual references as most horror films do and we want to make it seem like there’s nothing that can be done to stop the demented Priest from abducting the charcters.


With the audio we need to focus a lot on the surroundings and the sound footsteps make when they’re hitting on the wooden floor and other things including the music or soundtrack that’s going to be put over the film.


There is going to be limited dialogue in the film to increase the tension and to focus on the actions of the characters.

Body Language

The body language of the demented priest is that he’s going to be standing up straight with his arms out to make it look like he’s constantly doing something.

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