Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Film Annotations

TITLE: We didn't include the title of the film in the actual two minute clip but we did include it as a title for the you tube video, this was mainly because we wanted to cut down on time and be able to include as much time as we can of the film. the title was mainly influenced by the fact that our story is about a drug deal, and the word Addiction was best suited towards this fact. this has conformed to the conventions of an action film because it introduces the screenplay well and the company beforehand.

STORY: Lewis Hall is a combat addicted ex-soldier who has just returned from fighting in Afghanistan who decides to go after a drug gang for kicks and Andrew McGregor who is just a junkie buying weed off one of the main drug suppliers Filthy Frank. At the start of the film Lewis Hall is spying on the drug deal waiting for an opportunity to intercept the drug deal. This works well with the conventions of action films because it is sudden and fast paced, where like some action films are quite fast paced at the beginning to throw the audience into the scene.

Characters Introduced: We introduced our characters mainly at the beginning of the short film, and this was mainly because we wanted to quickly get the audience to understand what is happening, as the protagonist, Lewis hall is introduced right at the beginning, it is seen that he is spying on a man, who is later then introduced talking to another antagonist. This conforms with action films because when most characters are introduced they are usually walking around, especially in Drug themed movies/ Crime movies.

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