Thursday, 12 February 2015

Addiction Screenplay

The film starts off with the camera following Lewis Hall as he moves into position to confront Filthy Frank but then the camera moves to Andrew McGregor, who is walking towards Filthy Frank for a drug deal then the camera shows Filthy Frank looking towards Andrew McGregor then the camera goes back to Andrew McGregor as he continues to walk towards Filthy Frank.

For the first part we use a range of short and medium shots to establish the characters in the film and to capture what they’re doing.

The next part of the film is where Andrew McGregor and Filthy Frank meet up for a drug deal and for the encounter we use a close shot of the hand shake and a 180 reverse shot to capture the conversation.

The next part we get Andrew McGregor walking off and Filthy Frank looking towards Lewis Hall and for these shots we use a mix of close and medium shots.

As Filthy Frank looks towards Lewis Hall, the camera follows Lewis Hall standing up and pointing a gun at Filthy Frank and for this shot we use a close up shot looking down Lewis Halls arm to show the gun pointing at Filthy Frank and then Filthy Frank runs off and Lewis Hall peruses him and the camera follows behind Lewis Hall and then skips to a medium shot facing the wall to show both Filthy Frank and Lewis Hall running past and then skips to a long shot facing up showing Filthy Franks and Lewis Halls feet running.

The next shot shows Andrew McGregor walking away and looking back when he hears Filthy Frank running and for this shot we use a medium shot and then the shot switches around to show Filthy Frank run past and run into Andrew McGregor and for that shot we use a close up shot following Andrew McGregor. Then we see Lewis Hall run into Andrew McGregor pushing him on the ground and for this shot we use a medium shot follow Lewis Hall and we use another medium shot to show Andrew McGregor being pushed on the ground then we use a reverse close up shot’s and a long shot to show Lewis Hall threatening Andrew McGregor with the gun while he’s on the ground and then Lewis Hall running off and then the camera follows Andrew McGregor as he runs away.

The next shot is a medium shot following Lewis Hall as walks around a corner and then Filthy Frank is there waiting for him and then that breaks out into a fight scene and we use close, medium and long shots to capture the fight then once Filthy Frank hits Lewis Hall round the head with the gun and he goes down and we use a following close up shot to get Lewis Hall falling to the ground and then we use reverse close up shot to get Lewis Hall being threatened by Filthy Frank with the gun and then there is a sound of a gunshot and then the film skips to the title sequence.


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