Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Dead Opening Analysis

The opening to the film The Dead starts in the hull of a C47 in flight with a man on the floor dying with his girlfriend beside him, begging him to not to do die and an RAF flight engineer begging her to move so he can shoot him and the plane is funning dangerously low on fuel and an American mechanic and a RAF pilot are arguing about how they should of fuelled more but if it had the zombies would of got them but then the boyfriend turns into a zombie and bites the flight engineer so he shoots the boyfriend and then himself because knows that he’ll turn into a zombie if he didn’t and then the plane runs out of fuel and crashes into the ocean.

The RAF crew were wear standard British desert camouflage which shows there in a hot and sandy country because the British armed forces wear DPM woodland camouflage when in the UK or a colder country and it shows there in the military and the couple are wearing clothes that you wear in a hot country on holiday and the American mechanic is wearing a black shirt with black trousers suggesting he’s formal and mature and doesn’t give much away about himself.

 To capture this they use close up shots to capture dialogue and expressions and medium shots to capture individual actions and dialogue and long shot's to establish what's going on in the scene.



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