Thursday, 27 November 2014

Addiction Screenplay


The film starts with Lewis and Scott sitting outside the Abandoned St Thomas hospital in London waiting for Andrew McGregor to arrive with a big black duffer bag. Once Andrew arrives at the abandoned hospital and knocks on the door, Lewis and Scott move closer while staying hidden. Then the door opens with filthy Frank behind the door who looks very cautious and checks the bag before letting Andrew in to the building.

Lewis and Scott move cautiously but quickly towards the entrance, then once they reach the entrance they move quickly but silently into the building, then as soon as they enter the building they hear voices at the end of the hall, they move through the hall slowly and cautiously towards the voices while constantly keeping a military professionalism about them.

We see then filthy Frank presenting the drugs to Jonas Derus, Kristupas Andris and Vladmir Gaida with Andrew by his side and Lewis and Scott sneaking up to the entrance and preparing to enter while they eave drop on the conversation.

Once the conversation has lasted about 15 seconds then Lewis and Scott enter the room holding the 5 at gunpoint then Darius Lanka jumps Lewis  and Andrew makes a run with the duffer bag so Andrew takes down Jonas and Kristupas and goes after Andrew, while Vladmir, Frank and Darius try to wrestle Lewis to the ground.

Andrew and Scott’s chase involves a lot of parkour through the hospital while Lewis manages to take down the thugs and starts to move after Scott and Andrew.   

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Initial Ideas

Initial ideas
Firstly, we are hoping to go to a location in London, most likely St Thomas abandoned hospital. We would be doing an action/crime film, which would include some western European smugglers and a group of possibly hired assassins or ex military of some sort. We would have quite a few fight scenes and a villain as well as a few chase scenes which will hopefully be intense.
we hope to have a narration at the beginning to introduce the audience to the plot. Accompanying this is a chase scene, match and action as well as a wide range of music. During the fight scenes, we hope not to have to add music, but have punching sound effects. however, if there was to be any music, it would have to cover the majority of the audio. I got these ideas from some fight scenes in various Batman films, where there is no music, but only diegetic sounds such as punching and talking.
With fight scenes, there will be quite a few slow motion shots, which will be used to capture some movements which are too fast to film. Slow motion shots also enable the audience to feel encapsulated and would increase the intensity. As I and a few of the actors are black belts in various martial arts, our strong point would hopefully be the fight scenes, but the difficulty would be finding the right angles. Also, a quick blur of the music when it goes into slow motion. However, because the area we are filming in is quite small, we wont be able to do many tracking shots, so we will have to limit our shots to the basics, close, medium, long, over the shoulder, and some others such as still shots. I don't think that P.O.V views would be best for the fight scenes, mainly because it would be too risky and difficult, but it is a possibility.
With chase scenes, there are many locations we could film, but would have to use certain angles to limit the view so that no member of public is in the shot or walks into the shot. There are some good ideas, as many of the actors and I do a sport called Parkour/Free-running, so we are hoping to do a roof jump and have some

Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Eagle Opening Two Minutes Analysis

The opening to the film the Eagle starts with a group of Roman soldiers going down a river in an ancient Italian boat in southern Britain and as there going along they see a Celtic boy on horseback herding cow across the river.

The roman soldiers are wearing standard uniforms with armour swords, shields and spears which shows there in the military and Channing Tatum’s character is wearing an officer uniform showing that he’s in charge and is likely to be smarter and better at being a soldier than the others in the boat. The Celtic boy however is wearing robes around his waist to cover some of his lower body which suggests that he is not accustomed to the luxuries that the Roman soldiers are used to.

To capture this shot they use close up shots to capture Channing Tatum's expression and medium shots to capture what the other soldiers in the boat are doing and a long shot to show what the boy on horseback who is herding cattle is doing.

The Dead Opening Analysis

The opening to the film The Dead starts in the hull of a C47 in flight with a man on the floor dying with his girlfriend beside him, begging him to not to do die and an RAF flight engineer begging her to move so he can shoot him and the plane is funning dangerously low on fuel and an American mechanic and a RAF pilot are arguing about how they should of fuelled more but if it had the zombies would of got them but then the boyfriend turns into a zombie and bites the flight engineer so he shoots the boyfriend and then himself because knows that he’ll turn into a zombie if he didn’t and then the plane runs out of fuel and crashes into the ocean.

The RAF crew were wear standard British desert camouflage which shows there in a hot and sandy country because the British armed forces wear DPM woodland camouflage when in the UK or a colder country and it shows there in the military and the couple are wearing clothes that you wear in a hot country on holiday and the American mechanic is wearing a black shirt with black trousers suggesting he’s formal and mature and doesn’t give much away about himself.

 To capture this they use close up shots to capture dialogue and expressions and medium shots to capture individual actions and dialogue and long shot's to establish what's going on in the scene.



The Purge Opening Two Minutes Analysis

The Purge starts with the father of the family at work driving around making sure that everyone who brought a security system from him that their working well.

He wears am expensive and modern suit which shows that he’s well off and has a respectable job which he’s got to look respectable for. Everyone that he meets in the neighbourhood are also wearing expensive, smart and upper class clothing which shows their also well off.

Not much is given away in the first two minutes expect for that a purge is happening that night and everyone is preparing for it.   

To capture this shot they use close up shots to capture dialogue and expression and they use medium shots to capture dialogue and individual actions and long shots to establish what's going on in that scene.

Dredd Opening Two Minutes Analysis

The opening two minutes of the film Dredd starts with Dredd as the main character perusing a camper van full of drug dealers on a police motorbike and then they start shooting at him and then they knock over a pedestrian so Dredd shoots out their tires and the truck rolls over killing two of the occupants in the front seats and a third occupant runs out into a big block of flats and kills a bunch of civilians and takes one as a hostage and then Dredd arrives and they have a stand off until he shoots the dealer in the head with a thermite round.

The clothes that Dredd wears shows that he’s law enforcement and that he’s tough and represents an organisation because of the uniform. The drug dealers where cheap tatty clothing which has been well worn in which shows they live a rough life style and don’t have a lot of money or choice in the way they live.

Dredd is presented as very tough in the way that he deals criminals and enforces the law.

To capture this shot they use close shots to show Dredds expressions and dialogue and medium shots to capture the drug dealers dialogue and long shot's to show vehicle movement. 

The Break Up Opening Two Minutes Analysis

The opening two minutes of the break up start at a baseball game in Chicago and Vince Vaughn’s character see’s Jennifer Anniston’s character at the game and takes and interest so he buys her a hotdog and she takes an interest in him and mainly because he makes her laugh and makes her feel happy.

The clothes that Vince’s character wears quite masculine and laid back clothing which shows he not bothered about modern fashion and being to appealing to other people whereas Jennifer’s character wears modern and fashionable clothing and makes herself look very pretty, clean and appealing which shows she cares how she comes across which shows how those two shouldn’t be right for each other but they are.

Similar to most romance films in the beginning two minutes Jennifer’s character is going out with someone she obviously doesn’t like and doesn’t care for her and she wants more than that and that’s why she takes an interest in Vince’s character.

To capture this shot they use a range of close up shots to capture the individuals expression and medium shots to capture conversations and long shots to show interaction between Vince Vaughn's and Jennifer Aniston's character.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

My Favourite Film

My favourite film is currently Godzilla because it’s not just simply hero verses villain because at the beginning of the film Godzilla is presented as the enemy but as the film goes on and two new monsters come into it Godzilla becomes the hero and when it defeats the other monsters they describe Godzilla as a saviour.

Godzilla constantly keeps you intensified in the film with the way you aren’t sure what’s going to happen and how the film has some really intense moments between one of the monsters and the main character Ford.

It’s good in film how you’re not sure as the characters aren’t sure of the monsters and when they find out we find out.

The use of adobe

My group found out that you are able to cut down and distort certain clips and change the contrast of the light in the clip to allow you to see the picture in better quality and more clearly.

We also found out that you can zoom in on the film lengths and made some very fine cuts.

Romance Codes and Conventions

Romance films always contain a relationship between two individuals and there is usually a struggle because one of the couple has a best friend who tends to mess everything up who they try to get into a relationship or into another friend so they don’t mess everything up for the couple anymore.

Most romantic films always contain a clingy and loveable mother who tends to be a comedic element to the film.

The couple in a romance tend to go through a difficult part of their relationship and they find either that their not right for each other and they find someone else or they start to respect each other and are reminded of how much they love each other.

Romance films also contain a couple who aren’t usually right for each other but they love each other anyway.   

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Hurt Locker opening two minutes analysis

The first two minutes of The Hurt Locker starts with a panicked street of civilians with U.S troops rushing to the location and setting up a perimeter then it shows an EOD team operating an explosive ordinance robot and looking underneath a pile of industrial sacks which are concealing a 500lb bomb which then they send the robot with a trailer full of explosives. 

In the opening two minutes you can also see that the population is a lot poorer and less developed than people in the UK because of the clothes their wearing which are old, worn and tatty and the technology they use because they use older mobile phones and other devices.

You can tell in the opening two minutes that they are in a war zone because of the presence of soldiers and military equipment and the way that people are running from the scene.

To capture this shot they use close up shot to capture the individual soldiers expression and medium shots to capture weapon use and their actions and long shots to capture the EOD leader approaching the IED.

My Favourite Film

My Favourite Film Genre

My favourite film genre is thriller because I’ve always found that thriller films have always attracted most audiences and I love the intensity and the storyline behind most thriller films. The film the grey is one of my favourite thriller films because it has a great back plot and storyline and I found that the film kept you hooked because of the un-predictability of the script and the cliff-hanger at the end film was almost inspirational.

The thriller film genre tends to cover the films that have a lot of action and intensity which keeps the viewers hooked with the thrill that the film creates. The genres crime and thriller tend to be treated as the same genres because they create the same effect.

The Grey (2011) Poster

Horror Codes and Conventions