Within our movie the plot begins with filthy frank and Lewis hall
and Andrew macgregor having a drug deal, while filthy frank looks in the
distance with a close-up shot angle of his facial expression being one of
seriousness. Filthy frank is basically leading a gang drug deal with two
ex-soldiers who basically end up within the criminal business for adrenalin
kicks and to get the excitement which they experienced when they were in the
war, during the first scene our protagonist Lewis hall is spying on filthy
frank and Andrew mcgregor. after a while of waiting Andrew mcgregor
appears from around the building and slow walks towards filthy frank who then
looks towards him. After filthy frank and Andrew mcgregor meet after a
handshake they start talking, then Lewis hall tries to sneak up to a wooden
barricade. whilst he is sneaking filthy frank gives Andrew the drugs, whilst
Lewis cautiously watches after they shake hands whilst Andrew walks back around
the building filthy frank goes up the stairs and then walks back down, whilst
this is happening Lewis hall takes advantage decides to try and capture filthy
However filthy frank notices Lewis hall and proceeds to run away
in the direction of Andrew. the chase scene lasts a few seconds, where filthy
frank bumps into Andrew and panics and continues running. Whilst the chase
scene is happening Andrew notices people running towards his direction and
decides to check it out. This is where filthy frank bumps into him.
Lewis hall sprints around the corner of the building in pursuit of
filthy frank, but instead crashes into Andrew who is investigating the scene.
Andrew is pushed to the floor where Lewis hall threatens him with a gun but
decides he doesn't want to kill him as his main target is filthy frank.
As Lewis hall walks around another corner filthy frank grabs
Lewis's arm which he is holding the gun with him, and slams him into the wall,
then proceeds to throw him onto the ground and kick him. Andrew then gets up
and blocks a punch from filthy frank and takes on a few knees to the
body. and then takes him down and hits him several times.
filthy frank picks up the gun Andrew dropped and whacks him around
the head and concusses him for a few seconds, and then he stands up and points
the gun at Andrew and then it fades out to our production credits.